
Nonprofit Corporation Formation Worksheet – pdf

Fund Raising Policy

(sample district policy governing relations with fund-raising organizations)

General Principles

  1. The district appreciates and values the support that it receives from private groups whose members give their time and efforts to enhance education and opportunities for students. In order to insure that the public has confidence that funds raised for these purposes are properly accounted for, this policy has been adopted.
  2. The name of the district and its schools, school mascots and insignias, teams and student organizations (”assets”) are the property of the school district and are to be protected in the public interest. For purposes of this policy, nonprofit foundations, parent clubs, booster clubs and similar groups using the assets of the school or district for identification, promotion or fund-raising are referred to as ”support organizations.”
  3. Any support organization wishing to use district or school “assets” for activities that are not under the direct, exclusive supervision and control of district employees (acting in their official capacities) must agree in writing to follow the specific requirements listed below. Those that decline to do so will be required to cease and desist their use of the ”assets.”

Specific Requirements

  1. 1. The support organization must have written bylaws and a copy must be filed with the district. In addition, a support organization that is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) § 501(c)(3) must file with the district a copy of its articles of incorporation and evidence of tax-exempt status. The support organization must provide the district with a current name, address and telephone number of the responsible person in charge.The bylaws should contain specific statements with regards to voting, amending the bylaws, generation and disbursement of funds, and whether there will be representation from school employees at official meetings. The district reserves the right to determine in individual cases that participation by district employees is incompatible with their official duties.
  2. Procedures for the management of all support organization funds that are raised or expended in the name of the district, a school, or a team or student organization must be reviewed with the superintendent, principal or designee.

    a. The superintendent, principal or designee will meet annually with support organization officers to review the activities of the support organization.

    b.The superintendent, principal or designee will be provided the names of those support organization members with primary responsibility for financial matters.

    c. Support organizations may not use the ”assets” of the district or a school for fund-raising activities without permission from the superintendent, principal or designee.

  3. The superintendent, principal or designee must give prior approval to any major fund-raisers for specific school projects or school-sponsored activities. A list of fund-raising activities must be included in the request.
  4. The district will be given access, at its request, to the support organization’s financial records. If the support organization has a financial audit performed, it will provide a copy to the district. The district reserves the right, at its option, to provide accounting services for the support organization and/or to assume custodianship and financial control of the funds collected by it. In doing so, the district does not assume responsibility for the activities of the support organization, its officers or members.Unless the district agrees to provide accounting services and/or to assume custodianship and financial control of funds collected, no district employee may perform these functions or be a signatory on bank accounts.
  5. Gifts from support organizations of money or property require official acceptance by the governing board. The board must approve any restrictions on the district’s use of donations. Donations of labor or material for specific projects may be accepted by the superintendent, principal or designee. All gifts and donations must documented in writing.
  6. Support organizations exempt from income taxes under IRC § 501(c)(3) must provide the District with a copy of their annual Federal Form 990 and State Form 199 within 30 days of filing.